My parents hlaf-jokingly refer to me as one of their three Boomerang kids because I went off to college and, instead of moving away and finding my own life, I came back to live off of them rent-free. It's only slightly depressing. I'm trying to find a job, however-- you know, actually try to support myself. But I can't really find a job until I know that I will actually be going to Japan in August. I still haven't heard yet if I got the job. Who wants to hire someone with a college degree for three months? Maybe HyVee will take me back. I'll always have a place at the HyVee.
In Sunday school this past week, the teacher said that my identity as a human being is wrapped up in Jesus' identity as my redeemer. If I have forgotten who Jesus is, does this mean I have forgotten who I am? Is my identity truly tied in with Christ? Where do I stop and where does He begin? |
I miss you friend!