I haven't really been in the blogging mood lately. I just can't think of anything spectacularly witty to say. Since I suffer from a blogging brainfart, I decided I would ask my audience if they had any questions for me. Do you want to know something about Japan? Would you like to hear more about something I've blogged about in the past? Do you have a brainteaser to offer me? Anything ending in a question mark will do, really. I will answer questions I deem worthy (read: pretty much any questions given) in the next blog. Happy questioning!
written by Ruthie @ 9:30 PM  
3 thoughts:
  • At 3/08/2008 9:09 AM, Blogger aubrey said…

    -So Klaus, why is it that in Germany you have Hamburg and Frankfurt, but they have nothing to do with hamburgers or hot dogs?

    -Why is your Lake Titicaca not filled with boobs and poop?


    Here's a question: when you come home what is the first thing you would eat if you could choose? Why? And what does this symbolize about yourself and your spirituality?

  • At 3/08/2008 9:29 AM, Blogger Amanda said…

    When you first arrived in Japan was there something that just struck you as impossible? Some hurdle you never thought you'd jump yet have since been able to accomplish? How have you seen yourself change since leaving the US? What aspects of "re-entry" shock are you nervous about, if any, when you come back to us? :) Is that enough ?'s for you?

  • At 3/10/2008 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Are those microphones at Burger King just to make the people look cool, or do they have some sort of other purpose?

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Name: Ruthie
Home: Japan
About Me: I want to know who God is and what his truth is. I love getting lost in beautiful music and cloudless star-filled skies, especially in the fall. I hate being bored. I like big cities. I want to travel the world.
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