Music Cliques
I have noticed recently that there are little cliques scattered throughout the music school. My perception of these cliques is as a theory major, but probably other theory majors have slightly different perceptions than I. Still, from listening to my fellow theorists talk about other music majors, I've developed a social schema:
  • The Theory Majors: Nerdy, bookish, spend lots of time in the library, music know-it-alls. We generally have really good ears and get easily annoyed with "bad" music. We get along with musicologists and composers pretty well. We despise most voice majors.
  • The Musicologists: Even nerdier than the theorists. Spend almost all of their time in the library. Tend to be fairly socially awkward. They know tons of esoteric facts about which composers had syphillis and in what year a certain symphony was performed. They tend to talk less about the actual music and more about what cathedral the piece was performed in or who was having an affair at the time or if a certain manuscript was really written in 1648.
  • The Voice Majors: The dumb blondes of the music school. They're not usually good with theory or history of music. They generally can't sightread well, and they resent having to take classes that don't focus on vocal music. They don't know how to talk about music intellectually, though that doesn't stop them from attempting to contribute to class discussion.
  • The Composition Majors: The cool guys, the artists. Maybe a bit socially awkward, but somehow that works to their advantage. Usually great at theory. They know the craziest, coolest, up-and-coming music. They seem to get along with everybody.

There are other groups at the music school I could expound on (bassists, trumpets, education majors), but these are the groups I tend to have the most contact with. And, of course, there are people who are in the above groups who are not representative of the stereotypes. There are also--believe it or not--very intelligent voice majors in the music school.

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written by Ruthie @ 1:13 PM   0 comments
Simple Pleasures
A lot of people my age nowadays think that once they graduate from college they can have it all: big house, brand new car, fancy cell phone, adopted Chinese babies, etc. I, on the other hand, knew that as long as I had college debt, there was no way I could enjoy such perks. I will probably be living in a small apartment and driving a used (albeit, very nice) care for a few years, or at least until I marry into some rich, aristocratic family.

There was one thing, however, that I have wanted for a long time. And now that I am on my own and can afford a few nicer things, I decided to get it. I wanted a shower clock radio. When I was in college I had to listen to whatever crap was blaring from the stereo in the big shared bathroom. When I lived in my parent's house I didn't have a shower clock radio (not that my parents wouldn't have allowed it. I never asked). Finally I have one. And let me tell you: it is a joy to listen and sing along to music while showering. It is great to look at the clock and see just how late I will be this morning. I don't need a lot of things to make me happy. But I really love my shower clock radio.
written by Ruthie @ 4:30 PM   0 comments

Name: Ruthie
Home: Japan
About Me: I want to know who God is and what his truth is. I love getting lost in beautiful music and cloudless star-filled skies, especially in the fall. I hate being bored. I like big cities. I want to travel the world.
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